Categories: Marketing

Traditional Marketing vs E-Marketing

Right from the beginning, traditional marketing has been the preferred choice for advertising a company’s brand and products. However, since the last ten years, e-marketing has taken rapid strides and has even managed to surpass traditional marketing in many areas. Therefore, it’s important to have a look at their pros and cons and what the future has in store for both these types of marketing.


Outbound and Inbound Marketing

“Outbound Marketing” is commonly utilized to describe traditional marketing in a fashionable way. It has been around for many decades and is performed off-line and manually by several mediums, including television advertisements, radio broadcasts, billboard signs, print media, and direct mails.

As opposed to traditional marketing, e-marketing is described by the term “Inbound Marketing” and it pertains to myriad kinds of online marketing services. Along with being the most sought after channel of advertisement currently, it also holds the key to the future of marketing. Website Design, blogs, search engine optimizations, web-based analytical data, social networking sites, e-mail advertisements, and online press releases are the regular mediums for delivering online marketing services.

Although, both the above styles of marketing are useful in their own ways; it’s being accepted by the entire business world that the future of brand publicity and customer satisfaction henceforth mostly lies in e-marketing resources. Below, traditional marketing and online marketing services are measured up against each other to put an end to a long-standing debate.

The Perspective of Marketing

In order to pay attention to the campaigns of traditional marketing, people are required to interrupt their daily activities. The best examples of such cases are television commercials that disturb a movie or serial and music that is interrupted by radio broadcasts. Even drivers get distracted by billboard signs, while newspaper advertisements have the potential to distract the reader from an article. The biggest issue of traditional marketing lies in the fact that is affects three kinds of people simultaneously – those who wish to hear about the product, those who don’t wish to, and everybody in-between.

Internet marketing in contrast, enables people to determine when and where they wish to view the publicity campaigns. Additionally, a lot of their questions are easily and readily resolved. Besides being extremely user-friendly, internet marketing is also preferred over traditional ways of marketing. In fact, current numbers reveal that around 86% of people analyze a company online prior to buying their goods. Probably, internet marketing’s biggest reward is that it not only satisfies its normal customers, but also has the potential to attract many new customers.

A few other great assets of online marketing services are given underneath.


A major plus point of the internet is that it offers a business global approach and speedy popularity. Earlier, only huge multinational corporations achieved such an exposure through traditional marketing. But the internet doesn’t make any difference between small businesses or large companies. In addition, small companies attain the same level of reach on just the tenth of a budget of traditional marketing.


Presenting many novel and unique ways, online marketing services enable a company to attract potential customers effortlessly. With a 24×7 provision of an array of innovative products and services, such as information management, public relations and customer service; online marketing services supersedes conventional marketing norms in almost every sector. This scope will keep escalating in the near future thanks to the new and exciting technological progressions constantly being introduced into the market.


E-marketing supplies infinite interactive opportunities, including written or even verbal dialogue between the provider and the consumer as opposed to traditional marketing, which is almost entirely concerned with publicizing the company’s message. Businesses can easily and quickly adapt to the changing needs and market scenario with the immediate response that is procured from the customers themselves.


Above all, internet marketing delivers the kind of instantaneous punch that was absent since the time traditional marketing was conceived. Primarily, within just a couple of seconds it allows customers to research and purchase whatever they need. Also, plenty of time and effort is saved between providing an information to a buyer and getting to know his/her reaction. Most importantly, it offers 24×7 sales and service to its customers, which was simply not possible with traditional marketing mediums.

It is evident that e-marketing is here to stay. Plus, it is most certainly the best way to ensure the rapid growth of one’s business.

Author bio:
Suraj is a tech geek, always on the move to know something more about gadgets that re-innovate the
world, gadget and gizmos crazy. He writes for Iksula blog.[/sociallocker]

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