Categories: eCommerce

How eCommerce Can Help You Promote Your Jewellery Business Online

If you’ve ever tried to promote a jewellery product based website online then you know just how challenging it can get.

Organic SEO will take a lot of time and a lot of work. For some small businesses that cannot afford to wait a few months or even a few years for results, this means that using adwords campaigns is the only option. The problem is that for competitive keywords, adwords campaigns can be very costly and unless expertly done they can also prove to be ineffective.

For product related businesses, the solution may be opening e-commerce stores in websites such as etsy, ebay, Amazon and pinterest.

Ecommerce and Current Search Results Trends

Those of us that try to promote their jewellery website online can notice a recent trend in Google search results. Trusted brands and authority ecommerce websites are favored in search results and will normally be featured higher up than small non-brand sites.

One can hardly fault Google for making such a decision. After all, whether we like it or not, it makes much more sense to provide a search result from a website such as Amazon in which the buyer’s purchase is protected than from a site that is relatively unknown, no matter how much SEO muscle it showcases.

This means that if you have a new website that sells a new product, unless you will be able to back it up with a massive amount of social media attention, your chances of being featured in the first few search engine results are pretty slim.

Using Ecommerce to get Better Exposure and Support your Jewellery Website

The logical conclusion, at least for me, is that new businesses will have better chances of climbing up the search engine ladder by opening ecommerce stores.

I can tell you that I got much better results for my etsy personalized bridesmaids gifts store than I did for a regular website with a similar concept I tried to promote. While the regular website did not feature at all on search results, the etsy store took only a few months to start generating results.

This does not mean, however, that you will not need to support such efforts by keeping, maintaining and optimizing your own website.

Your website needs to be prominently featured in every ecommerce endeavor you undertake.

Customers will feel comfortable purchasing from a safe environment such as ebay or etsy and will feel that they are dealing with a ‘serious’ enough seller when they see that you have your own well maintained website. It’s the perfect marriage.

But in order to advance and be prominently featured in search results, you will need to optimize your stores and support them with content, social media activity and reputation management.

Social media activity, in my opinion especially on Google + and Facebook, that points to your stores in a natural and positive way will be invaluable in promoting them.

Additionally, correct reputation management can help you with performing some optimization magic. For example, requesting positive Google reviews from your customers and opening a Google + for business page that will support your ecommerce activity can really boost your results.

Also, make sure that you run frequent specials, discounts and giveaways and promote them in your various social media pages.

An active ecommerce page that is supported by healthy, day to day basis, social media activity and receives a lot of positive online reviews will have a great chance of climbing up the search results ladder in just a few months.

By Doron Heifetz

Doron Heifetz is the promoter and owner of several successful online jewellery services. Doron has been blogging and writing about jewellery design and small business SEO for many years.

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