We’re in need of a few new, terrific authors to help us publish content on the Studio 72 blog for at least one to four times per month.
Specifically, you’ll be expected to submit at least one article a month, and you’re free to choose your topic as long as it appeals to our audience. Regardless of if you’re someone who considers themselves a beginner, an intermediate, or an advanced writer, we’re interested in hearing from you!
What We’re Looking For
We’re looking for people who have something interesting, useful, and practical to share with our audience.
Here are the requirements:
- Knowledge, High Quality. Studio 72 is a highly respected source of information and we expect the same high quality from you.
- Excellent Writing Skills. You must be comfortable with the English language. We can proof your content, offer suggestions, and even work with some of the minor details of English, but we can’t rewrite everything for you. To put it simply, if you struggle when deciding whether to write its or it’s, this might not be the gig for you.
- Consistency. Professionalism is absolutely key here. We expect you to keep the schedule we’ve agreed upon.
- Original. Each article needs to be 100% original and cannot have been published on other websites or print publications.
- Article Details. Articles need to be at least 1000 words long. Include a short bio at the bottom of the post. Your name, your organization and a recent accomplishment or two are great things to include. We’re happy to link (nofollow) to your website, Google+, Facebook or Twitter account if you like. Just be sure to include all the necessary URLs when you turn in your post. Feel free to submit a feature image, where relevant.
Are You Looking For Any Special Topics?
Always! If you’re able to focus your efforts on one (or a set of) any of the following topics, you’ll get extra consideration:
- Search Engine Optimisation
- Content Marketing
- Social Media Marketing
- Video Marketing
- Email Marketing
- Local SEO
- Online Branding
- Online Shopping/eCommerce
Excellent! Where Do I Sign Up?
We’ll need the following information from you:
- Name
- A few sentences about you
- A single link to an article that you’ve written
- Two ideas for articles you’d like to write for us
- Emails with an optional article as attachment will get more attention from us since this means you’re serious about the gig
Please email this information to info@studio72.com.au. If you’ve already emailed us in the past, please forward it to the above address, just to be sure.
Heads up: We get a lot of single line emails. Don’t be that person. Emails without the requisite information will be discarded.
Secondly, we got A LOT of emails. If we don’t respond straight away, don’t worry. We haven’t forgotten you. We will get back to you just as soon as we can.
If you can’t manage a weekly schedule and instead would like to submit every other week, that’s good with us, too. Get in touch so we can work something out!
We’re looking forward to your email, so what are you still doing here? Get writing!