6 Design Tricks To Get More People Onto Your Email List

Everyone wishes their website was more successful, so I’ve tried to help them by talking about a few tricks that will get more people onto their email list.

Unless you’re a hobbyist who enjoys writing about their passion there is a good chance you will eventually want to turn your site into a profitable business. The only reason it’s not going to become a success is because you can’t get enough people onto your email list. That has to change soon before you give up, so we’re going to look at a few things you can use to help you get enough people onto your email list.

A 2-step process

Asking someone for their email address is a pretty big deal because they don’t want to receive lots of emails from random people on a daily basis. Did you know it’s easier to get someone to do something big if you ask them to do something small first? That means you should ask someone to click on a box in order to reach your opt-in page. Because they’ve already clicked something it’s more likely they will then give you their email address.

Big bold headline

People will only sign up to your email list if there is something in it for them. There is one special thing they want and you need to find out what it is. Once you know what they want you need to turn it into a big bold headline. This will draw them in and they will be desperate to sign up because they know you’ll be able to solve their problem. If you don’t have a suitable headline the copy you use won’t have as much of an impact on them.

Delete the name field

The best way to see great results is by making things as easy as possible for people. You might not think asking for their name is a big deal, but at the very least it will lower the opt-in rate because it’s an extra step they have to take. Having one less field also makes the design more attractive because there is less things on the page. If you ask people for their name at the moment you should take it out and see how much of an impact it has on your opt-in rate.

We hate spam

Do you enjoy receiving spam every single day of your life? Everyone with an email address will receive spam on occasion, but the trick is limiting how much arrives in your inbox. The easiest way to limit the amount of spam you receive is by refusing to give people your email address. People will be scared when you ask them to sign up to your list, so somewhere on your page you must tell them they have nothing to worry about because you hate spam as much as them.

JavaScript Alert

There is a cool little trick you can use if you have a graphic at the footer of your opt-in box. The reason you might want a graphic there is because it’s obvious some people will try to click on it. When they click the graphic you’ve set up with a JavaScript alert they will get a message on the screen reminding them to sign up. This is actually really easy to implement and it will increase your opt-in rate a little bit.

Absolutely no flashing

10 years ago I would have told you to have as many flashing objects as possible because people used to eat that up. These days they run a mile at the first sign of flashing because it screams spam. Would you enter your email address because there was a big flashing arrow pointing to the email field on a random site? Simple always wins these days and great copy is a lot more important than old school tricks.

Author Bio:

The author of this post, Kristina Parker, is a freelance blogger currently writing for PenTech Consulting, an SEO company based in Connecticut. Kristina is quite passionate about sports and loves to play tennis and squash in her spare time.

Kristina Parker: Kristina is a freelance blogger currently writing for Adslot, experts in direct media buying. After a hard day’s work, Kristina loves playing tennis or cooking for herself. You can also follow her on Twitter @Kristinawparker.